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Writer's pictureAushaneah Stowers

The Sell Wedding 09/23/22

Chelsea and Caden

I wanted to add the weddings I have worked as a coordinator on to my page so you can read about what I do. However, this blog has been really hard to start because It's such a beautiful story but has a sad side plot. Something similar to what Nicholas Sparks writes about in my own opinion.

In 2022, Chelsea and Caden got engaged! On New Years to be exact. After that Chelsea got to planning! She wanted to get married at the Japanese Gardens in Topeka and that she wanted a celestial themed wedding. However, shortly after she started planning this wedding she found out the man who was going to walk her down the aisle had cancer and was on limited time. After some further discussion Chelsea and Caden decided that they wanted to go ahead and just get married that way her grandfather could walk her down the aisle in 2022. It was to be a short court house wedding then dinner with the grandparents the next day. However, I have known Chelsea since 2017 and I knew that deep in her heart she wanted to walk with her grandfather to the man of her dreams. I knew that Chelsea wanted her grandfather to see her first dance with the love of her life and I knew that she wanted to dance with him too. So, I pitched the idea behind her back with our mutual friend Kodi to throw her something even if it wasn't a full wedding reception. Kodi and I's goal was to give her the wedding of her dreams or at least one version of it until Chelsea was ready to plan the bigger wedding. Once we figured out our budget we were able to surprise Chelsea with the idea. We got to work as we had a little over a month to plan the three of us got to work on the planning. It was really nice working with Kodi and Chelsea on this project.

I know the cliché is that weddings are outrageously priced but let me tell you I think our entire surprise reception cost us $500 at max. Look at her bouquet it was absolutely beautiful! Her dress was perfect. It was truly an honor to be apart of the sell wedding. If you want to see what we did for decorations you can check out the gallery below!

Stowers Coordination did the photography and the coordinating and Kodi and Chelsea found the venue and did the decorating!

Not only did Chelsea get to marry the man of her dreams but she also got to fulfill her dreams of dancing with the man who had been a big part of her life. Honestly as they were dancing I was crying. Seeing the joy on all three of their faces made the night so memorable for me. I hope it was for them as well.

Unfortunately Mr. Coufal passed on January 13th 2023. I only met him the once the day of the wedding. He was a very kind and patient man. He helped raise one of my closest friends and for that I will always be grateful. I wish that my blog or even my friendship could help lessen the pain that the Sell family feels but I know it won't. However, I want to make sure his legacy lives forever. For those of you taking the time to read this blog thank you. Mr. Coufal's obituary can be found here:

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